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Edge computing frameworks

3 minute read


This is a collection of Edge computing frameworks. I shall test each framework and make a comparison in the future work.

Wireless communication

6 minute read



The term wireless refers to the communication or transmission of information over a distance without requiring wires, cables, or any other electrical conductors. Wireless communication is one of the important mediums of transmission of data or information to other devices. The Communication is set and the information is transmitted through the air, without requiring any cables, by using electromagnetic waves like radio frequencies, infrared, satellite, etc., in a wireless communication technology network.

What is Edge Computing?

2 minute read



Industry investment and research interest in edge computing, in which computing and storage nodes are placed at the Internet’s edge in close proximity to mobile devices or sensors, have grown dramatically in recent years. This emerging technology promises to deliver highly responsive cloud services for mobile computing, scalability and privacy-policy enforcement for the Internet of Things, and the ability to mask transient cloud outages [1].

Gateway, Router, Modem, Switch and Hub

2 minute read


Many people may confused with these concepts, here I would like to make a easy-understanding interpretation of each.

Build a simple server based on the python Flask library

3 minute read



In my project, I need to build a server for the mobile users. After a research, I found that the python’s Flask library probably is a great framework. In addition, the server is built as a docker container, so it’s easy for us to transfer. For the mobile Android users, they need to upload the audio data to the server, so we implement the OKHTTP for the communication and data transmission between client and server.

Blog Post number 4

less than 1 minute read


This is a sample blog post. Lorem ipsum I can’t remember the rest of lorem ipsum and don’t have an internet connection right now. Testing testing testing this blog post. Blog posts are cool.

Blog Post number 3

less than 1 minute read


This is a sample blog post. Lorem ipsum I can’t remember the rest of lorem ipsum and don’t have an internet connection right now. Testing testing testing this blog post. Blog posts are cool.

Blog Post number 2

less than 1 minute read


This is a sample blog post. Lorem ipsum I can’t remember the rest of lorem ipsum and don’t have an internet connection right now. Testing testing testing this blog post. Blog posts are cool.

Blog Post number 1

less than 1 minute read


This is a sample blog post. Lorem ipsum I can’t remember the rest of lorem ipsum and don’t have an internet connection right now. Testing testing testing this blog post. Blog posts are cool.



Key management scheme based on nodes capture probability for wireless sensor networks

Published in 2018 Chinese Control and Decision Conference (CCDC), 2018

Recommended citation: Zhang, Ying, and Peisong Li. "Key management scheme based on nodes capture probability for wireless sensor networks." In 2018 Chinese Control and Decision Conference (CCDC), pp. 5470-5475. IEEE, 2018.

A dynamic and scalable user-centric route planning algorithm based on polychromatic sets theory

Published in IEEE transactions on intelligent transportation systems, 2021

JCR Q1 TOP, IF=8.5.

Recommended citation: Li, Peisong, Xinheng Wang, Honghao Gao, Xiaolong Xu, Muddesar Iqbal, and Keshav Dahal. "A dynamic and scalable user-centric route planning algorithm based on polychromatic sets theory." IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems 23, no. 3 (2021): 2762-2772.

Online Monitoring of Overhead Power Lines Against Tree Intrusion via a Low-cost Camera and Mobile Edge Computing Approach

Published in Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2023

Recommended citation: Li, Peisong, Rui Qiu, Minzhen Wang, Xinheng Wang, Shan Jaffry, Ming Xu, Kaizhu Huang, and Yi Huang. "Online Monitoring of Overhead Power Lines Against Tree Intrusion via a Low-cost Camera and Mobile Edge Computing Approach." In Journal of Physics: Conference Series, vol. 2422, no. 1, p. 012018. IOP Publishing, 2023.

EPtask: Deep Reinforcement Learning based Energy-efficient and Priority-aware Task Scheduling for Dynamic Vehicular Edge Computing

Published in IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Vehicles, 2023

JCR Q1, IF=8.2.

Recommended citation: Li, Peisong, Ziren Xiao, Xinheng Wang, Kaizhu Huang, Yi Huang, and Honghao Gao. "EPtask: Deep Reinforcement Learning based Energy-efficient and Priority-aware Task Scheduling for Dynamic Vehicular Edge Computing." IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Vehicles (2023).


Real-time Position Sharing


An Android application (App) is designed, which is mainly used for sharing real-time positions with others. In addition, some interesting functions are also provided.

Deep Reinforcement Learning based Multi-Agent Collaborative Navigation System for Dynamic Trajectory Planning


Multi-agent collaborative navigation is prevalent in modern transportation systems, including delivery logistics, warehouse automation, and personalised tourism, where multiple agents must converge at a common destination from different starting points. However, the challenges lie in optimising routes for multiple agents while dynamically adjusting the common destination in response to changing traffic conditions. Therefore, we would like to propose a generic Multi-Agent Collaborative Navigation System (MACNS) to address the challenges.


Teaching experience 1

Undergraduate course, University 1, Department, 2014

This is a description of a teaching experience. You can use markdown like any other post.

Teaching experience 2

Workshop, University 1, Department, 2015

This is a description of a teaching experience. You can use markdown like any other post.